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iam?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! gabriel dela fuente ?


Thursday, October 21, 2010

wHaTS imPORtaNt?

                             ^^iMPOrtaNT^^                                                                                                                                                                                                                >>>>For you what is important? is it a material thing like money? do u think the environment is important? . .  .                                                                       >>>>Let me tell u what is important for me! for me my family is important like my mother and sisters .also my friend are imortant to cause they make my life colorful . its like a plant and the sun with out them my life would not be completed i need to be watered like they care for me i need them like the sun to keep me alive. .  .                                             >>>>Thats how important they are to me. now do you know or remember whats important for you??. . .

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